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To assist those who have served the Lord and who need to be served.

Who are we?

We are evangelical believers in Jesus Christ.
We are a missionary non-profit organization seeking to live in Christian community.
We are a government registered organization.
We believe each person is made in the image of God; and therefore, we strive to see each person at Bethel Society using their gifts and abilities to help each other and the greater community at large.

If you are interested in knowing more about who we are, please contact us at:

The history of Bethel Society

2000-2001 Launching of the idea
2007 Writing of the project
2009 Launching of work
2010 Establishing the Member
2010 Registration with the Government
2012 Celebration the first ever Grandparents Day, Teta & Jedo, in Lebanon

Project Philosophy

We want to serve those who have faithfully served the Lord.
Bethel Society has been formed out of the visible needs of the elderly. We, at Bethel, recognize that elderly folks have many spiritual, physical, emotional and mental complexities with which to deal on a daily basis. We know that many families in today’s world have multiple members working outside the home, making it difficult to meet the needs of parents and grandparents.
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At Bethel, we want to be the family’s hands and feet to these precious souls. Bethel Society is not a nursing home where elderly people come to end their lives. Our desire is to help meet the needs of these precious servants of the Lord and their families by honoring them and providing avenues of service for them so they live out their lives with dignity and in safety.

God-willing, the headquarters will be inaugurated soon in Beirut, Lebanon. Our home will be a modern, well-equipped, and comfortable home. This home will be unique in its purpose to provide dignity and help to those who have so faithfully followed and served the Lord. We welcome you and your family to join us in this endeavor, for the glory of the Lord.